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            Standardization of continuous glucose monitoring

               Over the last years, continuous glucose monitoring  scientifically sound study and analytical procedures
            (CGM) as an alternative or addition to conventional blood  to test CGM accuracy. So far, procedures to improve
            glucose monitoring (BGM) has been gaining more and  reference measurements were developed [6] as well as
            more importance for patients with diabetes mellitus.  a method to statistically evaluate and display CGM
            Nowadays, CGM and derived therapy parameters  accuracy [7]. This work was supported by the IfDT
            such as time in range (TIR) are an integral part of  in cooperation with the Diabetes Center Berne in

            many national and international therapy guidelines  Switzerland based on long-standing experience
            [1, 2]. However, unlike for BGM systems, there is  and  additional  research  activities.  The  definition  of
            no international standard that describes both test  detailed study design and procedures including the
            procedures and acceptance criteria for CGM systems.  study population, requirements for inductions of
            This leads to a variety of available CGM systems that  glucose excursions, definition of suitable reference
            differ not only in characteristics like sensor lifetime,  measurements etc. is the next step. The aim is
            application sites and device handling, but also regarding  to provide standardized procedures that ensure
            accuracy. Consequently, therapeutic decisions and  representative and reproducible testing of all relevant
            clinical outcomes, e.g. TIR, may vary depending on the  aspects to improve consistency and  transparency in
            specific CGM system used.                         CGM accuracy reporting.
               It is well known that there are different factors that   If we use CGM derived parameters for therapy
            have an influence on apparent accuracy assessed in  assessment it is important to have accurate CGM
            performance studies [3, 4]. These are, for example,  systems without relevant bias.
            the selected study population, distribution of glucose
            values, frequency of reference measurements, reference                               Freckmann G.
            measurement  procedures  and data  evaluation.  The
            ultimate goal of CGM performance studies should be  Guido Freckmann je ředitelem IfDT (Institut pro
            to represent a CGM system’s accuracy in all situations  technologie diabetu při Univerzitě v Ulmu) a předsedou
            that occur in daily-life use, including a broad range of  Pracovní  skupiny  IFCC  pro kontinuální  sledování
            glucose values and high rates of change. However, in  glukózy (WG-CGM). Zabývá se zejména analytickými
            recent years, study protocols became less and less  vlastnostmi CGM systémů a inzulinových pump.
            challenging regarding study procedures. This allowed  Je autorem desítek prací na tato témata publikovaných
            manufacturers  to  obtain  lower  (i.e.,  better)  mean  v autoritativních odborných časopisech. Jeho alma
            absolute relative difference (MARD) values as the market  mater je Univerzita Goettingen.
            is getting more and more competitive. In addition, when
            CGM performance studies are published, comparisons   References
            between studies are often limited to accuracy results,
            like the MARD values, without considering differences   1.  American Diabetes Association.  Standards of
            in procedures.                                       Medical Care in Diabetes. Diabet. Care, 2022, 45(Suppl
               Apart  from  head-to-head  studies,  where  different   1). [link]
            CGM systems are tested in parallel in the same subjects,   2.  Holt, R. I. G., DeVries, J. H., Hess-Fischl, A., Hirsch,
            only standardized study procedures allow for adequate   I. B., Kirkman, M. S., Klupa, T. et al. The management
            comparison of different CGM systems. Therefore,      of type 1 diabetes in adults. A consensus report by
            in 2019, the International Federation of Clinical    the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the
                                                                 European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).
            Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) created     Diabetologia, 2021, 64(12), s. 2609-2652. [link]
            a working group on CGM (WG-CGM). The aim of this   3.  Reiterer, F., Polterauer, P., Schoemaker, M.,
            working group is to develop standards for CGM studies   Schmelzeisen-Redecker,  G.,  Freckmann,  G.,
            including acceptance criteria and to eventually work   Heinemann, L. et al.  Significance and Reliability of
            with the International Organization for Standardization   MARD for the Accuracy of CGM Systems. J Diabet. Sci.
            (ISO) on a guideline.                                Technol., 2017, 11(1), s. 59-67. [link]
               The first topic which the working group has been   4.  Heinemann, L., Schoemaker, M., Schmelzeisen-
            working on was the establishment of traceability of   Freckmann, G. et al. Benefits and Limitations of MARD
            glucose  values  obtained  by  CGM  to  materials  and   as a Performance Parameter for Continuous Glucose
            methods of higher metrological order [5]. As CGM     Monitoring  in  the  Interstitial  Space.  J  Diabet.  Sci.
            systems measure glucose in the interstitial fluid, which   Technol., 2020, 14(1), s. 135-50. [link]
            cannot feasibly be sampled for reference measurements,   5.  Freckmann, G., Nichols, J. H., Hinzmann, R.,
            there is a break in the traceability chain. This break has   Klonoff, D. C., Ju, Y., Diem, P. et al. Standardization
            to be adequately addressed by manufacturers.         process  of  continuous  glucose  monitoring:  Traceability
                                                                 and performance. Clin. chim. acta; Int. J. Clin. Chem.,
               Currently, WG-CGM establishes suitable and        2021, 515, s. 5-12. [link]
            Klinická biochemie a metabolismus 1/2023                                                        3
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