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P. 19

a)                                                b)

            c)                                                d)

            Fig. 2: Bland-Altman plots: comparison of Q ALB calculated from IN/BCG and IN (a); IN and IN/BCP (b); IT and IT/BCP (c); IN and
            IT/BCG (d)
            BCG, bromocresol green; BCP, bromocresol purple; IN, immunonephelometry; IT, immunoturbidimetry. Solidus denotes different
            CSF/serum methods used for Q ALB calculation.

            a)                                                b)


            Fig. 3: Bland-Altman plots: comparison of IN and IT for CSF Albumin (a); serum albumin (b) and Q ALB (c).
            IN, immunonephelometry; IT, immunoturbidimetry; Q ALB, albumin quotient

            Klinická biochemie a metabolismus 1/2023                                                      13
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