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Klin. Biochem. Metab., 32 (53), 2024, No. 1, p. 4 - 6

            Consequences of the EU IVDR implementation for medical

            Spitzenberger F.   1,2

            1  Centre for Regulatory Affairs in Biomedical Sciences, Technische Hochschule Lübeck,
               Mönkhofer Weg 239, 23562 Lübeck, Germany
            2  Fraunhofer Research Institution for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering IMTE,
              Mönkhofer Weg 239 a, 23562 Lübeck, Germany

               With the entry into force of the European Regulation   So, it was just right for the medical-scientific socie-
            (EU) 2017745 (“IVDR”) on May 26  2022, drastic chan-  ties and the laboratories concerned that the amending
            ges have occurred for practically all stakeholders in  Regulation (EU) 2022/112 introduced new transition
            the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD) [1].  periods for certain requirements, e.g. relating to the QM
            Manufacturers are confronted with a new classification  system [5]. These transition periods expire on May 26,
            concept for their products and, due to the resulting up-  2024 - this year - and on May 26, 2028, respectively.
            -classification of products, they have to carry out a sig-  If  the  lack of  initiative  from  the laboratory  experts
            nificantly more complex conformity assessment proce-  with regard to the IVDR requirements can be criticized,
            dure for CE marking. Notified bodies face the challenge  this is especially true for the positioning of the official
            of meeting the designation criteria and providing the ca-  committees  of  the  competent  authorities.  The  Euro-
            pacity and skills to participate in the conformity assess-  pean MDCG guideline MDCG 2023-1 “Guidance on
            ment procedures. Member State competent authori-  the health institution exemption under Article 5(5) of Re-
            ties often struggle with interpreting market surveillance  gulation (EU) 2017/745 and Regulation (EU) 2017/746”
            requirements and implementing their diverse tasks.  was only published five and a half years after the IVDR
               Medical laboratories represent stakeholders  who,  came into force and after extremely controversial dis-
            with the IVDR, are directly affected by European legis-  cussions between industry, authority, and laboratory
            lation in the IVD product sector for the first time. This is  representatives [6].
            because medical laboratories are either health facilities   This guideline, however, clarifies the scope of Ar-
            themselves or are part of health facilities to which Artic-  ticle 5 (5). The IVDR does not define a special term for
            le 5 (5) of the IVDR can apply. This section of the IVDR  IVDs manufactured in-house, but rather speaks of “pro-
            always  applies  when  IVDs  from  in-house  production  ducts”. According to MDCG 2023-1, the definitions in
            (so-called “in-house IVDs”, borrowed from Anglo-Ame-  accordance with Article 2, No. 2 of the IVDR apply to
            rican parlance also known as “Laboratory-Developed  these “products”. Accordingly, these products include,
            Tests-LDT”) are manufactured and used within a labo-  e.g.,  reagents,  calibrators,  control  materials,  devices,
            ratory without this be placed on the market. Although  software, and systems which, whether used alone or in
            the IVDR does not apply to these products as a who-  combination, are intended for the in vitro examination of
            le, certain conditions must still be met as basic requi-  specimens derived from the human body. According to
            rements by the relevant health facilities or the health  MDCG 2023-1, the products addressed under Article
            facility laboratories. This includes, among other things,  5 (5) IVDR also include so-called “accessories” that
            compliance with the applicable general safety and per-  meet the definition according to Article 2, No. 4 of the
            formance  requirements  according  to Annex  I  of the  IVDR. The “manufacture and use” of such devices refer-
            IVDR and associated documentation, the implemen-  red to in Article 5 (5) of the IVDR, according to the in-
            tation of an appropriate quality management system,  terpretation of the MDCG Guide, includes various types

            a declaration of conformity of the in-house products,  of combination and modifications of devices with the
            and a justification for the use of the in-house products  aim of use in in vitro diagnostic testing. However, the
            compared to with test systems that may be commercial-  in-house products referred to in Article 5 (5) do not in-
            ly available on the EU market.                    clude sample materials and reports, nor standard ope-
               The European and national medical-scientific so-  rating procedures (SOPs) or implementation protocols.
            cieties were initially completely unaware of the integra-  However, the latter may be necessary for the use of
            tion of these requirements into a legal regulation that  the “products” and should therefore comply with the
            constitutes direct law for all EU Member states and of  applicable requirements set out in Chapter III of Annex I
            their consequences for medical laboratory diagnostics.  of the IVDR.
            Only three to four years after the IVDR came into for-  In  accordance  with  this,  the  standard  EN  ISO
            ce that the first publications appeared that made clear  15189:2023, Section 3.9 defines an examination pro-
            the urgent need for action to interpret the IVDR require-  cedure as a “specifically described set of operations
            ments for in-house IVDs and the qualitative and quanti-  used in the performance of an examination... according
            tative significance of in-house IVDs for patient diagnos-  to a given method”. Note 1 to the term further clarifies:
            tics [2-4].                                       “In the IVD medical device industry and in many labo-

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