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ratories that use IVD medical devices, an examination  such as recently through the so-called “Proposed LDT
            procedure for an analyte in a biological sample is com-  Rule” of the U.S. FDA [14] – ISO standardization efforts
            monly referred to as an analytical method, analytical  for in-house IVD should be considered. The currently
            procedure, or test procedure” [7]. This also confirms  developed standard EN ISO 5649 “Medical laborato-
            that IVDs can have both object-related and procedu-  ries - Concepts and specifications for the design, de-
            ral dimensions [8]. The view sometimes expressed that  velopment, implementation, and use of laboratory-de-
            the regulation of in-house IVDs would not fall under  veloped tests” [15] contains an internationally agreed
            the responsibility or mandate of the EU, but should be  definition of “laboratory-developed tests” and consi-
            performed by the national medical professions, must  ders various scenarios for in-house IVD. Among others,
            therefore be viewed critically [9]. According to Article  the draft standard offers clarification on the question
            168 (7) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the Europe-  to which extent changes to commercially available test
            an Union, the individual EU member states are respon-  systems lead to in-house IVDs and thus to requirements
            sible for determining their health policy, as well as for  for these test systems. It remains to be seen whether
            the organization of the health system and medical care  this standard will provide a useful addition to regulatory
            [10]. This includes, for example, the implementation of   guidance in practice.
            diagnostic procedures and medical laboratory exami-
            nations by qualified personnel. But according to Article
            168 (4) of the Treaty, the EU has the responsibility and  Conclusion
            task of contributing to ensuring a high level of health
            protection through “measures setting high standards of   European and worldwide efforts to strengthen regu-
            quality and safety for medicinal products and devices   lation and standardization for in-house IVDs are signifi-
            for medical use”. Of course, this also includes “in-hou-  cantly increasing. On the one hand, the goal of patient
            se IVDs”.                                         safety and patient protection may require a sensible set
               Apart from MDCG 2023-1, the competent authori-  of regulations for this area of medical laboratory testing;
            ties of EU Member States have so far communicated   on the other hand, such regulations must not hinder the
            only few guidance on the interpretation and implemen-  innovative capacity and flexibility of medical laboratories
            tation of the IVDR requirements under Article 5 (5). Only   with regard to the selection and use of examination pro-
            the British authority MHRA developed a position pa-  cedures in which in-house IVDs play a key factor. This
            per for Northern Ireland in January 2022 [11]; the Irish   would ultimately torpedo the goal of patient protection.
            Authority HPRA is now following this example with a
            document presented for consultation in February 2024
            [12]. In the latter document, the controversy surroun-  References
            ding the relevance of the EN ISO 15189 standard is
            taken up again. While MDCG 2023-1 states that a labo-  1.  (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the
                                                                 Council of 5 April 2017 on in vitro Regulation diagnostic
            ratory's sole compliance with the EN ISO 15189 stan-  medical devices and repealing Directive 98/79/EC and
            dard does not constitute an appropriate quality ma-   Commission Decision 2010/227/EU. [odkaz]
            nagement system for the manufacture of in-house IVDs,   2.  Bank, P. C. D. et al. The end of the laboratory developed
            as this area is not within the scope of EN ISO 15189,   test as we know it? Recommendations from a national
            the medical laboratory community is of the opinion that   multidisciplinary taskforce of laboratory specialists on
            EN ISO 15189 is fully sufficient [13]. The Irish draft gui-   the interpretation of the IVDR and its complications. Clin.
            dance requires, firstly, laboratory compliance with EN   Chem. Lab. Med., 2021, 59 (3), 491-497.  [odkaz]
            ISO 15189 (with or without accreditation) and secondly,   3.  Hoffmüller, P. et al.  Advisory opinion of the AWMF
                                                                 Ad hoc Commision In-vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices.
            a healthcare facility quality management system cove-  Advisory opinion of the AWMF Ad hoc Commission
            ring the manufacture and use of in-house products.   In-vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices regarding in-vitro
               At the European level, it is expected in the future   diagnostic medical devices manufactured and used
            that the problem of the use of so-called “Research Use   only within health institutions established in the Union
            Only” (RUO) products will be addressed by the Medical   according to Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (IVDR).  GMS
            Devices Coordination Group as part of a new MDCG     Ger. Med. Sci., 2021, 19, Doc08. [odkaz]
            edition of the former MEDDEV guideline MEDDEV     4.  Spitzenberger,  F.  et  al.  Laboratory-developed  tests:
            2.14/2 rev.1 from 2004 “IVD GUIDANCE: Research Use   design of a Regulatory Strategy in compliance with the
                                                                 international state-of-the-art and the regulation (EU)
            Only products - A Guide for Manufacturers and Notified   2017/746 (EU IVDR [in vitro diagnostic medical device
            Bodies”. RUO products are intended for use in medical   regulation]). Ther. Innov. Regul. Sci., 2022, 56(1), 47-64.
            research and are often a kind of “intermediate station”   [odkaz]
            on the way to a commercially available IVD product.   5.  Regulation (EU) 2022/112 of the European Parliament
            However, they are also used by medical laboratories   and  of  the  Council  of  25 January  2022 amending
            as a basis for the development and manufacture of in-  Regulation (EU) 2017/746 as regards transitional
            -house IVDs. To date, there is a lack of explanations   provisions for certain in vitro diagnostic medical devices
            and examples to clearly distinguish RUO and in-house   and the deferred application of conditions for in-house
                                                                 devices. [odkaz]
            products from the so-called “products for general labo-  6.  Medical Devices Coordination Group Document
            ratory use”.                                         Guidance on the health institution exemption under
               Against the background of not only European but   Article 5(5) of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and Regulation
            also international intentions to regulate the LDT sector -   MDCG 2023-1: (EU) 2017/746; January 2023. [odkaz]

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